Second Darkness – D&D5 bei Oliver ab 07.05.

Beiträge zu Spielrunden aus dem zweiten Trimester 2018

Moderator: Vorstand

Beiträge: 338
Registriert: 24.04.2007, 11:26
Wohnort: Mülheim/Ruhr

Re: Second Darkness – D&D5 bei Oliver ab 07.05.

Beitrag von Ernst »

Danke, war nicht mehr sicher ob der 4. oder der 18 ausfiel :)


Beiträge: 338
Registriert: 24.04.2007, 11:26
Wohnort: Mülheim/Ruhr

Re: Second Darkness – D&D5 bei Oliver ab 07.05.

Beitrag von Ernst »

Reminder heute kein Game, der SL ist in Schottland... :)
Beiträge: 206
Registriert: 27.02.2007, 21:18
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Re: Second Darkness – D&D5 bei Oliver ab 07.05.

Beitrag von Georg »

Hallo zusammen,

die Badsanierung wirft ihre ersten Schatten voraus und deshalb kommt morgen ein Handwerker für einen Kostenvoranschlag.
Deshalb werde ich morgen nur später od. auch gar nicht kommen können. Es kommt darauf an wann der Knabe vorbei kommt und wie lange es dauert.

Gruß Georg
Beiträge: 144
Registriert: 29.04.2008, 07:57

Re: Second Darkness – D&D5 bei Oliver ab 07.05.

Beitrag von OliverS »

Hier die Ansprache von Alicavniss:
“The Azrinaes departed our fair home for a realm far to the east, even deeper below your surface home in the deepest reaches underground known as Orv. There, they conspire in a somewhat legendary cavern known as the Land of Black Blood. The Azrinaes were led there by their new matron, that mad snake Allevrah. It is she who seeks to call down the very heavens, to scour the lands of light of our frail kindred with the ancient aboleth glyph magic. Our legends of that time, of Earthfall, are quite vivid, and judging from what you have experienced this is a very real threat. Yet you do not know Allevrah’s target. I do, and it is that target I share with you now.
“She’s ambitiously chosen to stab at our foe’s very heart. The Land of Black Blood lies beneath the hateful surface elf realm Kyonin, you see. Unlike in the days before Earthfall, millennia ago, this time there will be no sages spouting prophecies, no mages offering warnings. There will be no time for cowardice,abandonment, and retreat. The elves will not escape this second darkness when it comes down upon them. That is, unless someone were to warn them.
“I bear no love for House Azrinae and their fanatic mistress. Where dear Allevrah sees vengeance and glory, I see calamity and the impulses of the lowborn. A strike powerful enough to destroy Kyonin would certainly cause upheavel down below as well, and I am too comfortable with my current situation to let a lowborn trollop like Allevrah ruin that. And so I’ve told you what I know, and where these vipers nest. Even further, I know of a gap back to the world of light, a still functioning elf gate two days journey from here, that provides a connection to Kyonin—a connection, I might add, that my kin have known about for some time but are hesitant to use for various reasons all amounting, I suspect, to cowardice.”
She produces a pale scroll from her desk. “This map follows a plain route, which will lead you swiftly from our realm.” Knitting her long, thin fingers—both of flesh and of iron— the dark elf’s voice takes on a dread seriousness. “Our bargain is completed, yes, and I have granted you the further boon of
your return path home. Should you manage to ever see your noxious sun again, in your short remaining years when you speak of your time here in the soothing dark, let your people know the might and splendor of the drow, and that first among them, Alicavniss Vonnarc, is generous.”
Außerdem haben wir für den 30.07 Abmeldungen von Niclas und Georg. Wenn noch jmd. aussteigen will, bitte Bescheid sagen, dann lassen wir die Runde ausfallen. Aber mit 3 Leuten würde ich noch spielen.
Beiträge: 2564
Registriert: 22.02.2007, 17:25
Wohnort: Otosan Uchi

Re: Second Darkness – D&D5 bei Oliver ab 07.05.

Beitrag von JimBob »

Cooler Villain.